Alloy Steel’s Wear Asset Monitoring (WAM) is a wireless condition monitoring system. Smart Liners are embedded with industrial-grade sensors, optimizing the operations of bulk materials handling machines. Monitoring leads to less wear, more efficient use, fewer liners being manufactured and a lower CO2 footprint.
For over 25 years, Alloy Steel International, located in Perth, Western Australia has focused on producing protective wear liner systems that maximise production through reducing both maintenance and repair costs.
Its latest offering, Wear Asset Monitoring (WAM) is an industrial-embedded, truly wireless condition monitoring system for wear liners on mining applications.
This Internet of Things (IoT) system enables predictive maintenance of wear components in the mining industry’s material handling machines.
It has several benefits:
Increased production efficiency through reducing planned production stand downtime for manual inspection of mining equipment.
Improved product quality and overall plant availability through monitoring operational performance and preventing wear-related catastrophic failures of the equipment.
Improved health and safety outcomes through reducing human/machine interaction.
Reduced CO2 footprint through less energy consumption needed to manufacture fewer wear liners.
The system consists of fully encapsulated and powered for life wireless modules with probes embedded into wear liners, long-range gateways, and live data instrumentation.
The smart liners are equipped with industrial-grade sensors, fully embedded to wear liner backing plate, that can be easily retrofitted anywhere without any special arrangements. They come with advanced cloud-based monitoring software for data analysis and reporting.
The monitoring system allows Companies to have 24/7 online access to their assets’ actual condition using dashboards and software upgrades.
This will include further developed features such as regular and on-demand reports on the status of wear parts, automated emergency messages sent via email or SMS, as well as machine health prognosis and integration to the business's customer management or enterprise resource planning systems.
By facilitating the shift from PM to PdM, WAM optimises the consumption of wear liners for mining bulk materials handling machines.
Alloy Steel International is committed to continuous improvement and delivering customers with industry-leading quality products, service, and value-adding solutions.