
Based: NSW
Industry: Mining


Carbonix's mission is to enable effective access to critical remote data insights through intelligent, reliable and safe aerial data capture systems and their vision is to help create safe and sustainable environments for businesses across the economy, in particular for the energy, mining, oil & gas and resources sectors. Carbonix is Australia's leading designer and solutions provider of commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for aerial surveillance and precision data capture. The company has pioneered the development of long-range Vertical Take-Off and Landing drones for aerial surveillance and precision data capture.

Carbonix: Revolutionizing Aerial Surveillance with Long-Range Drones

Carbonix, an Australian company, is leading the way in designing and providing commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for long-range Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) drones for aerial surveillance and precision data capture. The company's mission is to provide intelligent, reliable, and safe aerial data capture systems to enable effective access to critical remote data insights. Carbonix aims to help create safe and sustainable environments for businesses across the economy, especially in the energy, mining, oil and gas, and resources sectors.

Currently, long-range inspections of remote assets, such as power distribution networks, are carried out by crewed helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. However, pole and line conditions and vegetation encroachment are critical aspects of the power supply management operation, and following severe weather events, such as bushfires and floods, real-time assessment of the assets is even more critical.

The use of long-range drones for surveying assets allows for the increase in frequency of inspections (in some cases from monthly to twice a day) driving immediate asset operating cost reductions of 10%. Replacing crewed aircraft with long range uncrewed ones (drones) allows better data to be captured at 2% of the incumbent solution's carbon footprint.

Carbonix's precision airframes are highly efficient and built to work every day in the real world, made in Australia with a nearly 100% Australian supply chain. The systems are rigorously tested to guarantee they will deliver. Currently, Carbonix manufactures two UAV models: Volanti and Domani.

Volanti is Carbonix's all-electric platform. This 3.6m wingspan 16Kg VTOL Power Lift drone is capable of executing rapid aerial surveys across vast and difficult terrain while maintaining high accuracy and even higher confidence. Volanti comes equipped with a choice of payload sensors for photogrammetry, ISR, and multi-spectral data capture.

Domani is larger at 4.5m wingspan and 55Kg. Domani's unparalleled ability to autonomously carry payloads of up to 5kg for 6+ hours puts this aircraft in a class of its own. The heavy payload capability permits sophisticated high-resolution surveying LiDAR to be carried concurrently with an RGB camera and satellite communication equipment. Both platforms offer long-range to cover significant distances in one flight, steadily, in a range of weather conditions, with a high degree of assurance.

Carbonix has developed the aircraft systems entirely in-house so that they can work together seamlessly. The company offers support with gaining permits, training pilots, and learning to operate its systems so they can be incorporated into the "business as usual" practices of customers such as utilities operators, miners, infrastructure managers, and government authorities.

The overall drone industry and remote sensing market have seen significant growth in recent years, driving demand for Carbonix's long-range drone capability. The use of drones is the fastest-growing segment in this market, and it is expected to triple by the end of the decade (2030). APAC (including Australia) and the US represent over 60% of the overall market and are expected to grow on par (APAC 8.6% p.a.) or faster (US 16% p.a.) than the global market.

Carbonix is leading the way in designing and providing commercial UAVs for long-range VTOL drones for aerial surveillance and precision data capture. Carbonix aims to create safe and sustainable environments for businesses across the economy, especially in the energy, mining, oil and gas, and resources sectors. With the increasing demand for long-range drone capability in the global market, Carbonix is well-positioned to continue its growth and success in the years to come.