Big trucks on mining sites can sustain big maintenance and repair costs. Throughout the typical 4-phase production cycle of a mining truck, there are a number of instances that can lead to damage of a truck and truck tray including impact wear, poor tyre performance, nose to tail and other collisions, frame fatigue, carryback, abrasive wear, poor weight distribution and durability and roll over risk.
Most mining operations experience carryback problems, where dirt and other minerals remain stuck in the tray after dumping. Carryback occurs because of the naturally cohesive nature of mined materials, and moisture content. When present, carryback reduces the effective payload of a mining truck in the range of 5% to as high as 40-45% in some severe cases.
Moreover, when a mining truck is loaded each tyre’s TKPH (Tonne per Kilometre per Hour) load is equal. Therefore the amount of heat generated inside each tyre while the truck traveling loaded is the same. When the truck is empty, rear tyres are subjected to only half of the front tyres’ load/TKPH meaning the front tyres don’t receive the same level of relief and are not able to dissipate heat as effectively as the rear tyres. This seemingly innocuous problem can generate a 6% return speed reduction per truck which can equate to $600,000 per truck per year depending on commodity and application.
Dynamic Tray is developing a new innovative technology for mining truck trays. Dynamic Tray technology improves the productivity of a mining truck by at least 16% through active elimination of carryback, improvement of tyre performance (TKPH) and other unique productivity and safety-related design features. Dynamic Tray technology can provide ROI to mining customers in under 6 months.
Dynamic Tray is an exciting Australian innovator that is helping mining companies to optimise the maintenance and performance of some of their biggest assets through technology.