Industry OneCARD™ aims to remove the administrative nightmare that companies face daily trying to manage employee workforce compliance evidence.
Industry OneCARD™ is creating a new standard and provides companies with a solution that is simple, reliable, and affordable for any size business.
Industry OneCARD protects and empowers people leaders to make good decisions based on accurate and assessable data, keeping employees, contracts and businesses safe.
Solving the Administrative Nightmare: Introducing a Standard for Employee Workforce Compliance Evidence
As the Work Health and Safety Legislation undergoes sweeping reforms across Australia and globally, fines and penalties for non-compliance have significantly increased. This presents a significant challenge for businesses, especially those in high-risk sectors such as mining and resources, where employee compliance records are critical for demonstrating workforce competence and safety.
In this context, Industry OneCARD™ has emerged as a unique and cost-effective solution for the management of employee records. The platform empowers people leaders to make good decisions based on accurate and assessable data, reducing the significant amount of duplicate training and assessment that occurs across industry sectors daily, currently costing industries millions of dollars in additional training and labour costs.
Industry OneCARD™ new novel technology is reverse-engineered and allows an employee to have credentials visible and simultaneously mapped and tracked to more than one employer and multiple sites. The platform customizes competencies to the company members' in-house training, induction, and safe work procedures (SOP), providing a managed platform that saves clients up to 70% of their administration cost related to records management.
Founded in 2017, OneCARD™ is pre-seed and bootstrapped, with a target market in Australia being any company that employs more than 20 employees and operates in a mandatory mature sector or has a high incident rate due to work undertaken like mining, construction and manufacturing.
The platform has enjoyed great organic growth with industry-agnostic clients like Carlton and United Breweries, WorkSafe Tasmania, City of Wanneroo, Halson Group, Australia Winders, and Newland Engineering, and a good strong pipeline of prospects in Australia and Globally.
With B2B recurring revenue and subscription-based services, the platform offers annual, monthly, and labour pool memberships for employers to easily manage and ensure their workforce compliance records. The new platform, set to launch at the end of Q2 FY23, opens up high-volume markets of shutdown and labour hire contractors to the mining and defence sector, as well as other industries like aged care, disability, manufacturing and hospitality.
Industry OneCARD provides a simple, reliable, and cost-effective solution to the administrative nightmare of managing employee training, licenses, inductions, and other mandatory compliance requirements. By setting the standard for employee records in Australia, Industry OneCARD enables businesses to easily manage and ensure their workforce compliance, protecting the current fragile supply chain from significant fines and penalties while providing great ROI.