PREPD is a hydration enhancer that helps boost hydration when needed, helping users perform longer, recover sooner, and push back signs of dehydration and cognitive fatigue. It is particularly useful for the mining industry, where dehydration and heat exhaustion are major health risks, resulting in 144 fatalities per year and costing $4 billion.
PREPD: Revolutionizing Hydration for Underground Miners
Dehydration is a major issue in many industries, but especially so in mining. Mining workers are at high risk of dehydration due to the physical demands of their job, the hot and humid conditions underground, and the limited availability of fluids while working. In fact, studies have shown that more than half of underground miners are clinically dehydrated at the end of a shift, putting them at risk of fatigue, heat exhaustion, and other serious health problems. Being just 3% dehydrated can slow reaction time to the same extent as being over the legal blood alcohol limit.
To combat this issue, a new product has emerged that promises to revolutionize the way workers stay hydrated: PREPD. Developed over the course of 20 years of research and testing, PREPD is a hydration enhancer that has been proven to boost the absorption of fluids by 39%, reducing fluid loss by up to 85%. This product is designed to help workers perform at their best for longer periods of time, recover more quickly, and push back the signs of dehydration and cognitive fatigue.
In the mining industry, dehydration is a major concern, with on average 144 fatalities each year and costing the global mining industry $4Billion per annum. Workers lose large amounts of fluids through sweating, with an estimated 0.46L/hour lost on average and up to 1.5L/hour in hot environments. This can equate to 5 to 12 litres of fluid lost over a 12-hour shift. Workers also tend not to consume enough fluid to match what is lost throughout the shift, which can exacerbate the risk of dehydration. Additionally, excessive sweating causes the loss of sodium, an essential electrolyte that helps maintain fluid balance and normal muscle and brain function.
PREPD's research team initially aimed to develop a better oral rehydration solution (ORS) to treat severe dehydration in developing countries. They found that by enhancing total water absorption in the body through the largely unused potential in the large intestine to absorb up to 5L of fluid per day, they could improve health outcomes by 39% compared to the World Health Organization's recommended ORS. They then adapted this technology to develop the patent-pending RS-ORS formula that is the basis for the PREPD hydration enhancer.
In conclusion, PREPD is a revolutionary product that has the potential to transform the way workers stay hydrated and perform on the job. With its unique resistant starch formula, it is designed to boost hydration and improve health outcomes, especially in industries like mining where dehydration is a major concern. By making PREPD a part of their daily routine, workers have reported they have more energy in the morning, feel less fatigued in the second half of their shift and sleep better.