Manual handling training is not often met with much excitement in most workplaces. Until now. Soter Analytics is helping to prevent ergonomic injury in the workplace with their revolutionary product Soter Coach.
The smart wearable device and AI-driven coaching program aims to improve ergonomic safety and reduce back and shoulder injuries in the workplace by up to 55%.
Soter Coach gives organisations the tools to prevent ergonomic injuries in the workplace by providing them with valuable insights on injury risk and allowing them to continuously improve the health and safety of the entire workforce.
With application in a number of industrial settings including warehousing and logistics, manufacturing and healthcare, Soter Analytics and their product Soter Coach offers organiastions a unique solution to workplace injury, through a smart wearable device and self-driven training program for employees.
The Soter device is worn by employees for two weeks during real-time shifts, no simulations, making it possible to track and monitor actual performance using real-life data and provide feedback. Staff progress through the self-paced training program, which has been designed to empower employees with information on how to self-correct and reduce personal injury.
Beyond back and shoulder injury prevention at the employee level, Soter Coach is able to provide organisations with essential data to ensure tasks and operations are optimal across the whole workforce. Soter Coach provides quantitative data on the relevant risks associated with a particular task, making hiring based on skillset more effective.
Training for new starters can be automated and streamlined through the unique and convenient learning experience. Aggregated data provides insight into early intervention opportunities and can provide organisations with injury benchmarking, leading to cost saving not just at the individual level, but through reduction in insurance premiums associated with reduced risk exposure and a drop in liability claims.
Soter Analytics has established an extensive network of customers across a variety of industries in the U.K., US and Australia.